Harvested Lavender drying |
Twelve years ago we bought this house and even though it was a falling down and needed tons of work, the first and most important thing I did was plant some gardens. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking , Oh the poor thing , her house is falling down and they are spending piles of money, so she needs to plant a vegetable garden so they can eat. Nope. Yes, we spent tons of money and yes we were about to start on a diet of bread and water but I was not planting vegetables. I was planting lot's of Lavender!!!! All varieties of it in my garden. I agree it isn't very tasty, at least for me anyway. I never quite got the hang of cooking with it, BUT , it sure does smell good! After a few years, I discovered another plant! Love Lies Bleeding! It is fabulous! Tall, around 4 feet or so, with the most amazing long red flower. I think I read that it was a favorite in a Victorian garden . I have seen them in the garden of the Salem Town house in Old Sturbridge village. I first saw them At Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It makes a real statement ! I started planting seeds right in the ground several years ago that I bought at OSV. Since then, they have re-seeded all over the place. I usually let them get to about 4 or 5 inches and then re plant them where I want them . Sometimes I have just let them stay put. My garden is done the same way I decorate! Mish Mash! I have tried to have an orderly, some what planned out garden, but it always seems to do its own thing. I tried to take some pictures of a couple of my gardens, which was not easy because I have so much sun on them ALL day. I hope you enjoy seeing them anyway.
Bundled lavender |
Lavender almost ready to bloom |
Side garden with Love Lies Bleeding, Lambs ear, False Indigo, Baumgarten sage. |
More Love Lies Bleeding! |
Close up of Love Lies Bleeding flower |
Lot's of everything in here! |
Barn with stone trough and garden in front. Left, False Indigo , right, Love Lies Bleeding. |
Stone pillars from my friend Sandy. Lavender in background. |