
Friday, July 17, 2015

Lavender, and more Lavender, and other Garden favorites!

Harvested Lavender drying

  Twelve years ago we bought this house and even though it was a falling down and needed tons of work, the first and most important thing I did was plant some gardens. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking , Oh the poor thing , her house is falling down and they are spending piles of money, so she needs to plant a vegetable garden so they can eat. Nope. Yes, we spent tons of money and yes we were about to start on a diet of bread and water but I was not planting vegetables. I was planting lot's of Lavender!!!! All varieties of it in my garden. I agree it isn't very tasty, at least for me anyway. I never quite got the hang of cooking with it, BUT , it sure does smell good!  After a few years, I discovered another plant! Love Lies Bleeding! It is fabulous! Tall, around 4 feet or so, with the most amazing long red flower. I think I read that it was a favorite in a Victorian garden . I have seen them in the garden of the Salem Town house in Old Sturbridge village. I first saw them At Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  It makes a real statement ! I started planting seeds right in the ground several years ago that I bought at OSV. Since then, they have re-seeded all over the place. I usually let them get to about 4 or 5 inches and then re plant them where I want them . Sometimes I have just let them stay put. My garden is done the same way I decorate! Mish Mash! I have tried to have an orderly, some what planned out garden, but it always seems to do its own thing. I tried to take some pictures of a couple of my gardens, which was not easy because I have so much sun on them ALL day. I hope you enjoy seeing them anyway.
Bundled lavender 

Lavender almost ready to bloom

Side garden with Love Lies Bleeding, Lambs ear, False Indigo, Baumgarten sage.

More Love Lies Bleeding!

Close up of Love Lies Bleeding flower

Lot's of everything in here!

Barn with stone trough and garden in front.
Left, False Indigo , right, Love Lies Bleeding.

Stone pillars from my friend Sandy.
Lavender in background.

Friday, July 3, 2015