
Saturday, December 27, 2014


I have been busy for a couple of weeks, making my favorite thing. Fairies! I did a post last February on making these particular fairies. I talked about how make them, so I am not going to go into all that again. It isn't a terribly hard thing to do and it is something that you can use your own imagination to create a fairy all your own . A really fun thing to do, especially when the weather is crummy and cold outside.

I was watching one of  my Granddaughters playing with a fairy that I had given to her, and she kept sticking it on her head, pretending that it was landing on her and riding around up there. I started thinking about it and thought wouldn't it be funny to make some and put them on headbands ! Fairies could relax or just sleep in a little girl's hair! Genius!!

 So I ran out, bought some headbands and started making fairies. My friend, Sharon, has a beautiful granddaughter named, Riley, and we were on our way to visit her family while antiquing in Pennsylvania. I brought Riley a fairy headband. That was more then a year and a half ago, and she has been wearing it everyday. least with one little girl.

This year I decided it was time to make a few more for gifts. Here are some of the ones I made for my little friends!





Friday, December 26, 2014


Oh, Sister! Our stockings are full of special things!!

The little Wooden Sisters were not disappointed! 

They found their stockings sitting on handsome Mr. Clock , with his Christmas headdress of princess pine and dancing paper children. 

 Yes! Even little wooden dolls, can expect a Christmas surprise....all things are possible when you apply a little imagination!  

Life is a mystery, forever explored....... as is faith....
Elena! Quick , pass them down to me! 

Eugenia, this is a great story..."Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house"!
Elena, I got a new dollie! 

Friday, December 19, 2014


Are you searching for someone?
 Yesterday , I finally started dragging out all my Christmas things , with the idea that I could decorate quickly ( yeah , I can be delusional ) and then move on to other things that need to get done before the actual day. It took several days and I still have a few things I want to add. Add a couple of little wooden sisters into the picture....... They were into everything as you will see when you scroll down!

 First, I brought out my favorite Christmas thing and that is my antique wooden creche. It took awhile to figure out exactly how I was going to set it up, but pretty soon, I was all done.

The creche charmed them!

The wise men

 There were wise men on elephants and leading camels, carrying gifts for baby Jesus. There were Shepards herding sheep and lambs.
The shepards and their flock
Oh come all ye faithful!!!!!
Attempting to decorate
Ooooohh, this is the prettiest one! I can see myself....
How about this ?
 The tree was next. This year I decided to keep things simple, which meant only one little feather tree.

 The little sisters thought it was the most beautiful thing they ever saw.  Helping can be a good thing and also a not so good thing.....

 After, I hung up an old pair of stockings on the mantel in the old kitchen fireplace.

 The sisters figured out that goodies were going to end up in those stockings. Off they went upstairs to the little doll trunk to search for the perfect pair.

They disturbed a wee brown bear who was hibernating in with all the doll clothes.  He was surprised, but intrigued by these two sisters...

We should get lot's of goodies in these stockings. Brown bear can come too. We may need him!

Here hand this to brown bear. 
Bears' are good climbers! careful now!
What do we have here? Chocolates , gumdrops and peppermint?
Careful Eugenia! 
Gumdrops and peppermint ! My favorites!

Do you see anyone? I think we are safe....

Mmmmmm, yummy yum...

Merry Christmas Brown bear! Have a nice sleep and we will see you in the Spring.

Merry Christmas to you Elena!
And to you too, Eugenia!

And of course, A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!